Imagine going to a buffet and being told you can only choose ONE item for your plate, and if you wanted more you’d first need to take that single-item plate back to your table, consume it, then return for the next item. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just load up your plate with...Read More
If you’re creating NAB forms or custom apps that send emails using the VVMAIL service program module, as demonstrated in the “Send Email” utility nested inside the Examples app, you can set up a back-end routine to globally intercept all outbound messages using an exit program. The exit program you create can be used to override the...Read More
In our previous newsletter tip we explored how to create an app in which users can upload files to specific locations on the IFS. Now we’ll take a look at how to create a separate app that can put those uploaded files to use, in this case rendering them as thumbnail-size images inside a grid column. A common...Read More
Even as companies move toward a more paperless workplace, printed documents and paperwork remain an inevitable part of doing business. Whether it be a supplier invoice, a bill of lading, a certificate of quality, a signed contract, a proof-of-delivery or what-have-you, many business transactions are still supplemented with a piece of paper somewhere. For users accustomed to processing the...Read More
The coronavirus pandemic and accompanying “social distancing” has created unique business challenges on many fronts. This is particularly true for companies who weren’t already set up to support large swaths of employees suddenly looking to access their IBM i-based ERP systems from home. This fundamental change to where users perform their jobs is often...Read More
With the end of the year approaching, most companies find they have a rare opportunity to do some significant system maintenance as users go offline for the holidays. In addition to, say, upgrading to IBM i OS 7.4, this may also be a good opportunity to rearrange your Valence setup so it’s following a “best practice” configuration. In a proper...Read More
When creating an app to convey a typical collection of IBM i business data to users, the most common approach using Valence’s Nitro App Builder tool is to build an SQL statement to pull in the pertinent information, pop the resulting rows into a multi-column grid, give the user a few filter options and call it a day. For apps containing...Read More
Just about every modern office job involves users interacting with a computer for the bulk of their work day. So excessive waiting for the computer to respond to actions can lead to both user frustration and decreased productivity. In short, users like speed! A study published by Nielsen Norman Group at the dawn of the internet...Read More
The ability to download grid data into an Excel document has been a feature of Nitro App Builder for quite some time. Indeed, when someone wants to massage or analyze numbers in their own world, Excel is an ideal tool to accomplish that. But what about cases where users just want to print the data, or take the...Read More
If your company’s ERP system dates back to the AS/400 glory days, your users are likely accustomed to running programs that generate “old school” spool file output. While working with printed reports was quite common in the past, today most users prefer to work in a more paperless fashion, opting for on-screen apps or downloaded spreadsheets wherever possible....Read More