“It seems like their desire is to exceed our expectations. Every single time. Almost every time we have a meeting where they show us something, I end up saying, ‘you have exceeded our expectations.’ And it’s great working with them.”
“We and our customers are highly experienced IBM i application developers, and the transition to developing Valence apps was extraordinarily smooth, delivering highly attractive modern UI apps with powerful functionality. Valence has the developer spectrum very cleverly covered offering Nitro App Builder producing good looking substantial business logic apps very quickly in response to changing business needs, then more advanced full UI control capabilities for power apps like Order Entry, etc. Since introducing our major clients to Valence we’ve developed hundreds of apps and haven’t looked back, very much appreciating CNX’s highly supportive team who responds quickly to all our queries and needs.”
“Our developers like Valence best because they saw that it’s a very open framework. It has the latest technology in the back end. It’s a business framework, really.”
“We’re selling to a company that sells to the homeowner, and we make a lot of marketing funds available to our customers who are not the homeowners. They’re required to submit receipts, pictures of their displays, and everything that they did if they want to make claims on those funds. CNX wrote an app that allows customers to see their available funds, what they have left, any pending claims — all that type of stuff — and then submit a claim.”
“Valence was written by programmers who understand RPG. So it’s native and natural to the iSeries. When you speak with one of their technical staff, they understand what you’re saying because they are also iSeries experts.”
“Their quality is outstanding. When you put in Valence, that’s the best installer. Once you run their install, that thing is ready to go. It’s absolutely brilliant, and they include sample apps. When I was first learning, they had so many example apps out there with source code. I could go look at an app they had as samples, go look at the code and how it worked, and that’s what really got me down the road.”
“The connection to the back end, to the IBM i, has been rock solid since I started using this. I’ve never had a problem with that, so I’ve been super impressed with that. I’ve looked at the code for the service programs to understand what they did, and I was really impressed. Very much so. The technical aspect of the company is rock solid.”