
Valence for IBM i 6.3

IMPORTANT–PLEASE READ: Existing customers installing Valence 6.3 for the first time will need to obtain a new license key from CNX to use this version. Keys will be provided at no cost for existing licensed systems if current on maintenance. Contact CNX at to obtain a new license key.

The new Valence Assistant AI service introduced in this version is an extra cost option. However, all existing customers (and systems running trials) will be provided a certain allowance to use the Valence Assistant AI service for trial purposes.

Watch a demonstration of the Valence Assistant AI service from a recent Lunch & Learn webinar

Read the full release notes for Valence 6.3 at



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Valence for IBM i 6.2

This download of Valence 6.2 is for both new installs and updates to existing versions of Valence 6.X and is compatible with systems running IBM i 7.2 through 7.5.

Note Regarding Instance Manager: Once you have installed Valence 6.2 to your “base” VALENCE6 instance, you must only use Instance Manager from the base instance to manage all Valence instances on a particular system/partition. This is important since you must be running the latest Instance Manager code for it to manage the instances properly.

Read the full release notes for Valence 6.2 at



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Valence for IBM i 6.0

IMPORTANT: This download of Valence 6.0 is intended only for those customers still running the older IBM i 7.1 operating system. If you are installing to a system running IBM i 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 or 7.5 you should instead download Valence 6.2. Read the full release notes at



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Valence for IBM i 5.2+

This download is intended for existing customers who want to upgrade existing Valence 5.2 releases to the latest build for this version. If you are a new customer (or an existing customer who wants to upgrade an earlier version to Valence 6.X), please choose the Valence 6.2 download instead to get the latest Valence features. Read the full release notes at



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