Developer Toolkit for RPG Modernization.

RPG development tools to simplify creation of powerful business apps.

With our complete RPG application toolkit, developers can quickly and easily create fully modern business apps that run in a single browser page or on Android and iOS mobile devices. The simple interface, the graphical presentation, the clean design — everything your users have come to expect in leading-edge apps can now reveal the true power of your IBM i.

  • A single source of all the RPG development tools you need to create modern web apps.
  • Enhanced RPG programming, with all the productivity of modern programming languages.
  • No need to find and manage separate tools.
  • Direct integration with the DB2 database on IBM i.
  • Powerful utilities for reading data from the browser and formatting responses from the IBM i in JSON format.
  • Automatic generation of Excel files and PDFs based on retrieved data.
  • Business-ready security and utility functions.

Nitro AutoCode.

Supercharge your RPG modernization process for inquiry and file-maintenance apps. Nitro AutoCode automatically generates client-side and server-side source code, which you can run without modification or further customize and enhance by editing the source code directly.

  • Simplify creation of new Valence apps, with generated source code used as a starting point or template.
  • Based on your answers to a series of simple questions, the Nitro AutoCode wizard creates client-side JavaScript and server-side RPG source code for your application.
  • For highly customized apps, use Nitro AutoCode to build the foundation automatically, then edit the source code using your RPG editor on the server side and Sencha Architect on the client side.

Nitro Source Editor.

Edit your UI source code and manage IFS files from within the Valence environment. Nitro Source Editor provides everything you need in one place:

  • Create, copy, paste, delete and move IFS files and folders.
  • Conveniently transfer files between your PC and the IBM i, or edit compatible source files directly on the IFS.
  • Streamline development with advanced HTML and JavaScript syntax checking and full UTF-8 compatibility.

RPG Toolkit.

These modules bind to your RPG application through the Valence service program to easily perform a wide variety of powerful tasks:

Includes procedures for working with the Integrated File System: open file, close file, delete file, determine whether file path is valid, read data, write data.


Includes procedures for retrieving post/get variables from the browser so they can be used to populate your RPG application variables, arrays and data structures.


Includes several procedures for converting RPG arrays, variables, data structures and SQL statements into properly formatted JSON for browser display. Output can also be IFS files, XML spreadsheets or comma-separated files.


Includes a complete set of procedures for formatting RPG program data into simple and complex JSON strings to pass back to the browser.


Provides procedures that allow the RPG program to handle arrays in JSON objects.


Serves as a built-in front end to the more complicated Java setup required to compose and send email messages, greatly simplifying the task for RPG programmers.


Contains procedures primarily for internal use in vvMail and vvPDF: Start a new group of Java objects, clean up all Java objects, clean up or free resources for a Java object.


Uses a Java PDF library in conjunction with special prototypes to facilitate generation of PDF documents directly from your RPG programs.


Determines whether a user is authorized for a particular app, is a member of a particular group, and whether a session is currently logged in. 

Valence 6 API & Guides.

Valence 6 API Docs

The Valence 6 API docs serve as the home for all front-end and back-end specifications pertinent to developing Valence apps.  It includes the Valence RPG Toolkit service program (VVSRVPGM) procedures, valence.js JavaScript utilities, and specs for interfacing with the mobile Valence Portal.  The docs include helpful RPG and JavaScript example code to demonstrate how the procedures and methods are used.

View Valence 6 API Docs
Valence 6 Guides

Go to the Valence 6 guides to learn about how to administer the Valence Portal and use various included apps such as Nitro File Editor, Nitro AutoCode, Nitro Source Editor, Nitro iAdmin, Instance Manager and more.  Also includes extensively detailed docs on using the powerful Nitro App Builder to create your own desktop browser and mobile apps with little or no coding.

View Valence 6 Guides

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