CNX is pleased to announce that Valence Version 6.2 is now generally available for download. Released as a Beta at the COMMON Expo in Denver last month, production build 6.2.20230515.0 marks the (gasp!) 19th major version of Valence since the original unveiling of Valence 1.0 at RPG World in Las Vegas way back in 2008. Historically, each new Valence...Read More
Recently I’ve had some fascinating conversations with people regarding Nitro App Builder, the low-code app builder included with Valence. In case you’ve never heard of it before, Nitro App Builder is a tool that’s quickly taking over as the development method of choice for many apps that would have been coded manually in Valence just a...Read More
With IBM i turning 30 I thought it would be fun to recap the evolution of this amazing operating system over the years from my perspective. The first system I ever worked on was a model B50 way back in 1991, and of course it was called AS/400 at the time. I thought the machine...Read More
Twenty-two years ago today we officially registered CNX as an Illinois corporation (wow, that’s a shocking thing for us to write), so we thought it might be fun to take a short trip down memory lane on this blog post. So much has transpired in those years that we could write a book, so we will...Read More
Nitro Query apps containing charts or graphs can make conveying your company’s business trends or performance metrics much more effective than showing raw numbers alone. It’s particularly common (and easy) to create a dashboard app that includes a grid of monthly sales details supplemented by a chart showing month-to-month performance. This adds some great context...Read More
Just about every business has a situation where users need to perform a single process against multiple items in one pass. For example, you might have a list of open invoices that you’d like to flag as ready for payment, or a group of inventory items that you would like to transfer out of a special holding...Read More
Wrapping up 2017 with a simple but powerful tip for Nitro Query grid apps… Very often lists of business data include columns that can be classified as boolean, with text representing values of yes/no, true/false, 1/0, etc. When you’re creating a Nitro Query grid app that includes such columns, you can make “truthy” values stand out...Read More
Power Servers running IBM i are remarkably stable systems, to such a degree that it’s easy to overlook those rare occasions when something on the system has gone awry and requires operator attention. When an exception does occur, many IBM i sites have third party monitoring tools or home-grown software in place to notify system administrators that an issue has occurred that may require some...Read More
We’re long past the days where a single on-site server could handle all the IT needs of a typical business. Today it’s likely your IBM i system is supplemented by a myriad of separate servers — perhaps even additional IBM i boxes or partitions — each housing its own database. These isolated machines contain valuable information pertinent to the...Read More
As we prepare for next month’s release of Valence 5.1, we thought it’d be both interesting and useful to summarize some of the blog post contents in a single, categorized list. From customizing the look and feel of the Valence Portal to tips on back-end and front-end development, there’s likely to be at least one or two blog posts...Read More